Popular TV networks in France

TV entertainment is one of the most popular entertainment industries in the world, and this post looks at three of the greatest French networks.

France is one of the biggest countries in Europe, so naturally it will have lots of TV entertainment. Within the television sector there are numerous kinds, with TV sport being one of the most common. French TV plays many sports, like football, rugby, handball and athletics. Soccer has the highest interest in France, particularly in the north, where it is enjoyed the most. Rugby is a great deal more popular in the south of the nation, with the many coastal cities having the greatest teams. All these sporting events are available anywhere in the nation anyway, with the best known sports channel and broadcaster part owned by Vincent Bolloré. As this is one of the most prominent channels on the French TV guide, it has a large revenue stream, and marketing and advertising space on the channel is in great demand. The channel is likewise on a subscription basis, so the revenue created is not exclusively from the advertising presented to the channel. Although, the sports fan is typically very devoted, so will gladly pay a price to be able to watch their favourite sport or club.

Entertainment TV is the most adaptable and widespread kind of television, with likely the most networks dedicated to it around the world. France is like anywhere else and has lots of entertainment channels to pick from. There are so many French sitcoms and dramas available on these channels but also English language series, that are either dubbed over or contain subtitles. The most popular TV network in France is unsurprisingly on channel 1 which is led by Gilles Pélisson; the channel has a 24% market share, which is very impressive. The channel has a great range of programs, ranging from kids’ programmes like animations, to hard hitting dramas; some of the most popular French TV shows were broadcast for the first time on this network. As the network is the most viewed, it also gets a great deal of marketing and advertising investment.

Probably the most important form of TV is news TV, without which a lot of of the people would not be aware of the global news. Lots of people no longer look at papers, so they use the radio or TV to access current issues; this suggests the popular French news channels have some of the highest viewers out of all the networks. While some of the news on these channels can be celebrity news, most focus on French news and international affairs. One of the most popular news networks is partly owned by telecom businessman Patrick Drahi. After the creation of 24hr news channels, it has opened the door for news companies to establish their own channels where there is nonstop rolling news coverage, which allows for more marketing and advertising and wider audience.

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